The Necessity of a Cat Scratching Post in Australia


Cats are intelligent and self-reliant animals that, for many Australians, have become essential family members. Why should you invest in a cat? For one thing, kittens require less maintenance than other pets, such as dogs, and have an independent nature that makes them ideal for indoor living. Cats do not need constant supervision, are clean animals that can successfully adapt to their environment, are less noisy than dogs, require fewer monthly expenses, and do not need to be walked, as they have an innate instinct to bury their waste.

Cats, at first glance, may appear to have a more indifferent disposition than dogs. However, most kittens are affectionate, and although they don't express their personalities in the same way as other pets, they enjoy our company, and they are protective of their family. Cat ownership is scientifically proven to reduce everyday stress, and their ownership can have a positive effect if you are experiencing rodent infestations. However, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. Although typically gentle-natured, cats can be destructive, especially so in the early months of life. Want your furniture to escape the attention of your fluffball? To preserve the drapes you got from grandma? Then, you will need to invest in accessories like a cat scratching post in Australia.

Why Should You Choose a Cat Scratching Pole?

Unlike dogs, cats have domesticated themselves. The problem, however, is they've done a lousy job. Do you often notice that your cat ignores you? Is your kitten as stubborn as a mule? Then, you can blame nature. Cats are independent animals that have retained many of the instincts used in their native environment. That's great in a survival situation where your kitty needs to turn itself into an apex predator. But for your household? Not so much. Do you want to protect your furniture and promote the healthy shedding of your cat's claws' keratin layers? Then, you'll need to invest in a cat scratching post.

A qualitative cat scratching post will provide an outlet for your cat to exercise his destructive tendencies and utilise his instincts. Why do cats scratch objects? It's both a form of communication and a way to promote claw health. Cats have interdigital glands, which allow them to release pheromones when stimulated. In nature, this is a form of communication through which they can mark their territory. However, your house is not your cat's natural environment, so his attention will be focused on your newly purchased and overly expensive furniture.

Plus, cats scratch objects as a form of relaxation. Unlike with other animals, cat claws are part of the paw structure, and when they are utilised, they bring a sort of relief to kitties, similar to how we feel after stretching our muscles.  Do you want to stop this behaviour? It will be almost impossible, as it's an innate instinct. Cats are intelligent animals, but their independence makes them much harder to train than dogs. Do you want to protect granny's favourite drapes? If so, you'll need to invest in a qualitative cat scratching post in Australia

Why Should You Seek a Cat Pole?

Australia is home to millions of pet kittens. Therefore, the options available in Aussie pet shops when it comes to scratching posts can be overwhelming. What should you seek in a cat scratching pole? First, you should look for a scratching post made of durable materials that can maintain its stability, even under the weight of multiple kittens. It would be best if you went for a post with a large base, which can remain stable even under the acrobatics of your fluffball. Additionally, you might consider selecting a tall scratching post so that your kitty can stretch and scratch comfortably. How big should a cat pole be? A good height is around 80cm, although if you are the owner of a Maine Coon, you could go for a pole even taller than one meter.

Do you want to invest in a cat tree? In that case, the sky is the limit. Quite literally. Cat trees can be configured in various ways, and their maximum height may reach 1.8 metres tall. The cat pole you invest in should be constructed of a rigid structure and be carpeted with sisal fabric or fluted cardboard, which will be more appealing to your kitten than the leather or cloth of your furniture. Not least, you should choose a cat post design that corresponds to the subjective preferences of your kitty. Some cats like perches, while others prefer more simplistic poles that can be scalded without much effort.

What Other Accessories Should You Purchase?

Investing in a cat pole will be necessary if you care about your furniture. However, your cat will need more accessories to develop physically and behaviourally in a predictable way. Are you somewhat allergic to cat hair and don't want your kitty sleeping in the same bed with you? Then, you could opt for a high-quality cat feline cushion. These types of accessories are available in endless configurations and can be found at various prices. Moreover, your kitty will need qualitative toys, which will consume his energy and help him release his hunting instincts.

Do you want to go for a simple option? Then, a chasing toy, like a fluffy ball, could be enough to distract your kitty's attention. Other options to consider are feather wands, toy mice and interactive puzzle toys with treat dispensers. Not least, your cat will need a litter box, clean water and food bowls, grooming tools and perhaps even a tiny harness if you want to enjoy the company of your fluffball outdoors on your camping trips. Kitties need fewer accessories than dogs. However, they still need attention and are a tremendous responsibility that you should take seriously.

It’s All Worth It

Cats are perhaps not the most extroverted pets, as sometimes, one could assume they are indifferent to our presence. However, although it often doesn't show it, your fluffball loves you, and to him, you are his whole world. Want to enjoy the company of your kitty for many years to come? To avoid costly damage and eliminate behavioural issues from the first signs of their appearance? If so, you'll need to invest in qualitative accessories like a carpeted cat pole.

Australia is a country with almost two thousand pet stores, which means that your options for pet accessories are practically endless. From treats and cat food, flea & tick medication, or behavioural tools, pet shops in our country stock some of the most varied range of pet products in the southern hemisphere, and you can be assured that whatever you need will probably be available, either in your local pet store or online. Can your kitty go without specialised accessories, like a cat pole? Sure. However, it will help tremendously, and in the long term, it could turn the pet ownership process into a breeze.


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